Sabine Köszegi

Sabine Köszegi

 © Luiza Puiu

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Sabine Köszegi

Institution: TU Wien

Expertise: Technology, Gender, Work & Organization

Role: Co-Ordinator

Supervisor of DC Topics: Robots as Significant Others – Understanding Social Agency of Robots, Confidence in Decisions and Actions – Space as a Dimension of Trust in Social Robots, Machine Agency in Socio-Technical Systems

Research Interests:

  • Social Robotics
  • New world of work
  • Organization and gender studies

Short Bio

Prof. Sabine T. Köszegi is Full Professor of Labor Science and Organization and coordinator of the Doctoral College Trust in Robots at TU Wien. She has over twenty years of experience in interdisciplinary research at the intersections of technology, work and organization and has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers. Together with her team, she develops technological support for conflict resolution and negotiation, analyzes aspects of the new world of work and the impact of robotics and AI on work environments, sociotechnical systems and society in general.

Selected projects are:

  • Caring Robots/Robotic Care: Coordinator of the #ConnectingMinds project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
  • Trust in Automated Personal Assistants (APA): Study leader in a research project funded by Mercedes Benz AG.
  • Trust in Robots/Trusting Robots (TrustRobots): Coordinator of the Internal Doctoral Program TU Vienna, funded by TU Vienna.
  • Integrative Social Robotics (INSOR): Collaborator and principal researcher, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, Denmark; project leader: Johanna Seibt, Aarhus University, DK.

Sabine Köszegi is also a committed feminist and has published several gender-related research papers. Sabine Köszegi was awarded the Käthe Leichter State Prize 2020 for outstanding achievements in gender research.

Since 2017, Sabine Köszegi has also been active in policy consulting. She was a member of the AI HLEG of the European Commission, and Chair of the Austrian Council on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Since 2021, she has been a Visiting Fellow at the renowned European think tank Bruegel AISBL in Brussels, Belgium, where she analyzes gender issues as part of the Future of Work and Inclusive Growth project. She has contributed significantly to the following policy documents, among others:

Contact Info

Office Phone: +43 1 58801 33070 & 33071
Social Media: @koeszegi