Matthias Hirschmanner

Matthias Hirschmanner


Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Hirschmanner

Institution: TU Wien

Role: PhD Student

Short Bio

Matthias Hirschmanner is a Ph.D. candidate and university assistant at the Automation and Control Institute, TU Wien. He is part of the Vision for Robotics Group under supervision of Prof. Markus Vincze. He participated in the Doctoral College "Trust Robot" and the CHIST-ERA project "InDex - Robot In-hand Dexterous manipulation". Previously, he was involved in the WWTF project "RALLI - Robotic Action-Language Learning through Interaction". His dissertation is in the domain of Robot Learning from Humans. His research interests include Robot Vision, Learning from Demonstration, Human-Robot Interaction, Reinforcement Learning, and Language Learning. 

Contact Info

Office Phone: +43 1 58801 376622