Markus Vincze

Markus Vincze

 © Luiza Puiu

Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Markus Vincze

Institution: TU Wien

Expertise: Robotics

Role: Scientific Member

Short Bio

Markus Vincze is Professor at TU Wien leading the Vision for Robotics (V4R) team with the objective to make robots see. Markus received his diploma in mechanical engineering from TU Wien in 1988, M.Sc. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, 1990, and PhD at TU Wien 1993. As PostDoc he worked at HelpMate Robotics Inc. with Josef Engelberger and the Vision Laboratory of Gregory Hager at Yale University. 2004 he obtained the habilitation in robotics based on the work in visual servoing. He coordinated EC projects RobVision, ActIPret, robots@home and Hobbit and contributed to many other such as GRASP, STRANDS, and Squirrel. He was the program chair of ICRA 2013 in Karlsruhe, organized ERF 2015 and HRI 2017 in Vienna, and will be General Chair of ICRA 2026 in Vienna. He is director on the board of euRobotics. Markus’ special interest is to make robots see by creating cognitive methods for robotics solutions situated in real-world environments in industry and service applications.