Helena Anna Frijns

Helena Frijns


Helena Anna Frijns , MSc.

Institution: TU Wien

Expertise: Human-Robot Interaction

Role: PhD student

Research Interests:

  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Interaction Design
  • Design methods
  • Models and concepts of interaction, communication and sociality

Short Bio

I am a PhD student in Human-Robot Interaction at TU Wien, Institute of Management Science. I am interested in interactive technologies, collaborating across disciplines and understanding problems in multiple different ways. I am doing project coordination for the project Caring Robots // Robotic Care and research on design methods. The topic of my PhD is interaction design for Human-Robot Interaction.

I previously took part in Doctoral College TrustRobots. I obtained a MSc degree in Media Technology at Leiden University, a BSc degree in Mathematics & Applications at Utrecht University, and a BFA in Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, in The Netherlands.


For an overview of my publications, see ORCID or Google Scholar.
Selected publications:

  • FRIJNS, H.A., SCHMIDBAUER, C. (2021) Design Guidelines for Collaborative Industrial Robot User Interfaces, In: Ardito C. et al (Eds), Proceedings of INTERACT 2021, LNCS 12934, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85613-7_28
  • STOEVA, D., FRIJNS, H.A., GELAUTZ, M., SCHÜRER, O. (2021) Analytical Solution of Pepper’s Inverse Kinematics for a Pose Matching Imitation System. 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 8-12, Vancouver, BC, CA (Virtual Conference), pp. 167-174, https://doi.org/10.1109/RO-MAN50785.2021.9515480
  • FRIJNS, H.A., SCHÜRER, O., KOESZEGI, S.T. (2021) Communication Models in Human–Robot Interaction: An Asymmetric MODel of ALterity in Human–Robot Interaction (AMODAL-HRI). Int J of Soc Robotics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-021-00785-7
  • MEHROTRA, S., MOTTI, V.G., FRIJNS, H. ET AL. (2016) Embodied Conversational Interfaces for the Elderly User. Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Human Computer Interaction, ACM, https://doi.org/10.1145/3014362.3014372

Contact info

E-mail: helena.frijns@tuwien.ac.at
Social media: LinkedIn