Christopher Frauenberger
© Luiza Puiu
Univ. Prof. Christopher Frauenberger , PhD
Institution: Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
Expertise: Participatory Design & Ethics
Role: Scientific Member
Christopher Frauenberger is full professor for HCI at University of Salzburg (Austria). He investigates and designs interactive digital technology in a wide range of contexts with groups who are often marginalized in mainstream innovation landscapes, e.g., autistic children. His research builds on new philosophical perspectives to conceptualize our increasingly entangled relationships with technology, unearthing the ethical, moral, epistemological and ontological implications for designing technological futures.
Short Bio
Prior to his position in Salzburg, he was Secior PostDoc at TU Wien, Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Sussex, did his PhD at Queen Mary, University of London and his Masters at TU Graz, Austria.
For more information, please see here.
Please see here for a full list of publications
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